Lab Update Week 7
My Lab Benches

Well it's time for another lab update. I have been here for seven weeks now and my benches have arrived! Unfortunately, they came in crates, which happen to be too big to fit through the lab door. So now all I need is to get them uncrated, assembled, installed, and have electrical and plumbing run. Simple right?
As far as the actual labs are concerned. Considerable progress has been made. In Lab #1, the boxes of equipment have piled so high that it will make installation of the benches challenging. And I now realize the problem with not making sure your equipment will fit through the door before you order it, as three of my pieces will have to be semi-disassembled to get them in the room. Thankfully, these pieces have not yet arrived or I think the facilities guys might consider a mass mutiny.
Lab 1

As for Lab #2, I am happy to say that the occupying group has now vacated. So all I need to do is get it painted, get the floors buffed, and run some extra electrical.
Lab 2

My realistic expectation is that this will probably all take another month, but if I could be doing experiments any time soon I would leap for joy. The good news is that my postdoc's visa application is stuck in timbuktu so her arrival will probably nicely correspond with my equipment installs being completed. Well, I should probably get back to writing those proposals (more on this later, I have to wait for the panic attack to subside).
Such a lot of equipment and such a lovely shade of green in Lab 2. It makes me wonder what you do. :)
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